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Mar 6, 2021

[Answer] The best-selling comic book issue of all time featured which superhero team?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The best-selling comic book issue of all time featured which superhero team?"

...1. The X-Men 2. The Avengers 3. The Justice League 4. Teen Titans

Step 2 : Answer to the question "The best-selling comic book issue of all time featured which superhero team?"

The X-Men - The X-Men weren't brand-new in 1991, but a new "volume" in the series meant that numbering would start over with "X-Men #1." In the 1990s, collectibles were all the rage, and fans and "investors" alike rushed to purchase the edition, believing that X-Men #1 was sure to be worth thousands of dollars someday. An estimated 8,186,500 copies sold that year, making it the highest-selling comic book edition — at least, that we have data on. Ironically, the massive demand led to huge print runs, rendering the "collectible" itself common. You can grab yourself a copy of X-Men #1 on eBay today for five or ten bucks — with enough change left over to buy a pack of 90s baseball cards, which were also overproduced.:

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