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Mar 9, 2021

[Answer] 3. Which of the following four choices is chocolate supposed to benefit?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Which of the following four choices is chocolate supposed to benefit?"

...1. Fingernail growth 2. Teeth 3. Circulatory system 4. Hearing The circulatory system ferries nutrients, blood cells, hormones and various other components to the cells in our bodies. This then enables them to stabilise the body so that it works to its maximum potential. It's an efficient conveyor belt in other words. Dark chocolate is said to be helpful in this regard. In limited amounts each week, it is also supposed to benefit the heart. It does this by helping fight the cholesterol that coats the walls of the arteries. Scientific research also indicates that it can help enhance our thinking abilities. Little Nurse Choccie to the rescue! However, don't become too enthusiastic. Research also indicates chocolate can cause obesity in any age, and osteoporosis in older people. It also draws in a certain amount of lead from the environment during processing, and therefore some types of it have the potential to cause lead poisoning to a mild degree.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "3. Which of the following four choices is chocolate supposed to benefit?"

Circulatory system:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "3. Which of the following four choices is chocolate supposed to benefit?"

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