Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. You've been given tickets to the opera. Which of these 'cab' words is a form of aria written by the likes of Verdi and Rossini? "
...1. Cabaletta 2. Cabal 3. Cabanossi 4. Cabbage Cabaletta was an operatic form favoured by 19th century composers such as Rossini and Bellini. It refers to the concluding section of an operatic aria or duet. A cabaletta is distinguished by a rapid tempo, repetition of the first vocal statement with ornamentation, and a coda. Cabaletta can be heard several times in a Rossini opera. All the major characters in a Rossini work have a cabaletta to perform, some of them having two, or even three. The cabaletta may be sung by the lead, by a duet, or the entire ensemble. The word 'cabaletta' is derived from a very early word in the Proto-Indo-European language, via Latin, Italian, and then English. The original word 'kom' meant near, or together, and this is reflected in the coming together of separate pieces of music. A cabanossi is a sausage similar to a mild salami, and it could be served with some cabbage, a vegetable used to make sauerkraut and coleslaw. A cabal is a group of people working together in secret for nefarious purposes.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. You've been given tickets to the opera. Which of these 'cab' words is a form of aria written by the likes of Verdi and Rossini? "
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