Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who was the showgirl that Barry Manilow sang about in the song "Copacabana"?"
"Copacabana" is a hit song by Barry Manilow that was released in 1978. The song's lyrics refer to the Copacabana nightclub, "the hottest spot north of Havana". The song tells the story of Lola, a showgirl, and her lover Tony, a bartender at the club. One night, a gangster named Rico takes a fancy to Lola, but he overplays his hand while trying to seduce her and is attacked by Tony. The ensuing brawl ("And then the punches flew, and chairs were smashed in two...") results in "blood and a single gunshot;" after it is initially unclear "who shot who," it soon becomes clear that Lola has "lost her love."
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who was the showgirl that Barry Manilow sang about in the song "Copacabana"?"
"Copacabana" is a hit song by Barry Manilow that was released in 1978. The song's lyrics refer to the Copacabana nightclub, "the hottest spot north of Havana". The song tells the story of Lola, a showgirl, and her lover Tony, a bartender at the club. One night, a gangster named Rico takes a fancy to Lola, but he overplays his hand while trying to seduce her and is attacked by Tony. The ensuing brawl ("And then the punches flew, and chairs were smashed in two...") results in "blood and a single gunshot;" after it is initially unclear "who shot who," it soon becomes clear that Lola has "lost her love."
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