Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What TV show opens by describing itself as "The longest-running show in television history"?"
Meet the Press is a weekly news program offering political interviews and analysis of current events by elected officials and experts. It is the longest-running program in television history, though the current format bears little resemblance to the debut episode on November 6, 1947. It debuted during what was only the second official "network television season" for American television. The program has been hosted by 12 different moderators, beginning with creator Martha Rountree. The current moderator of the program is Chuck Todd.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What TV show opens by describing itself as "The longest-running show in television history"?"
Meet the Press:
Meet the Press is a weekly news program offering political interviews and analysis of current events by elected officials and experts. It is the longest-running program in television history, though the current format bears little resemblance to the debut episode on November 6, 1947. It debuted during what was only the second official "network television season" for American television. The program has been hosted by 12 different moderators, beginning with creator Martha Rountree. The current moderator of the program is Chuck Todd.
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