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Jan 5, 2021

[Answer] Which film was shot in English during the day and in Spanish at night?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which film was shot in English during the day and in Spanish at night?"

...1. "Casablanca" 2. "Dracula" 3. "Breakfast at Tiffany's" 4. "Rebel Without a Cause"

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which film was shot in English during the day and in Spanish at night?"

"Dracula" - When Hungarian-American actor Bela Lugosi removed his cape and went home at night, the Spanish version of “DrĂ¡cula” (1931) came to life. The film was shot directly after-hours on the set of the original English version. Universal Studios shot the horror film featuring Argentinian, Spanish, and Mexican actors after the English production starring Lugosi shut down for the day. At the time, early audio technology didn’t allow for versions of a film to include different languages, so back-to-back filming in different languages was the only solution to attract foreign audiences. With only an American director who spoke English, “DrĂ¡cula” was a hit when it was released.:

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