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Jan 6, 2021

[Answer] Where is this "battleship" island located?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is this "battleship" island located?"

...1. China 2. The Philippines 3. Japan 4. South Korea

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is this "battleship" island located?"

Japan - You might recognize Japan’s abandoned Hashima Island from its cameo in the James Bond film, “Skyfall,” but that doesn’t mean you’ve seen it all. Much of the historic, underwater, coal-mining island is off-limits to the public, due to its old age and unsafe structures. Active off the coast of Nagasaki from 1887 to 1974, the old coal facility is shaped like a Japanese battleship, earning it the name Gunkanjima (“Battleship Island”). The uninhabited island has a dark history as a forced labor camp during World War II, where prisoners of war worked in harsh conditions. Gunkanjima was once home to over 5,000 residents during Japan’s rapid industrialization period, but once the coal depleted, the island was completely abandoned and left undisturbed, allowing the ruins to become overgrown with flora. The island became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2015, although some question whether it should be preserved as a wartime memorial.:

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