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Jan 2, 2021

[Answer] What tiny island produces the curling stones used in the Olympics?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What tiny island produces the curling stones used in the Olympics?"

...1. Ni‘ihau, Hawaii 2. Crete, Greece 3. Ailsa Craig, Scotland 4. Baffin Island, Canada

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What tiny island produces the curling stones used in the Olympics?"

Ailsa Craig, Scotland - This tiny, uninhabited island off the west coast of Scotland may not seem particularly notable at first blush. But for more than a century, granite from Ailsa Craig has been used to manufacture the majority of the world’s curling stones, including those used in the Olympic games. Born of the extinct volcano on the island, the microgranite found here is notable for its tight molecular structure which makes it waterproof. Ailsa Craig, which translates to “fairy rock” in Gaelic, is owned by the Marquess of Ailsa but is uninhabitable, offering no arable land or fresh water. Despite this, it has served as a stop-off point between Glasgow and Belfast throughout history. It also played host to Roman camps and stood as a safe haven for pirates and smugglers.:

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