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Nov 14, 2020

LA Times Crossword Answers Today Sat Nov 14 2020

Across Answers:

1. African capital near ancient Carthage : TUNIS

2. __-pitch : SLO

3. Milo of "Romeo and Juliet" (1968) : OSHEA

4. Ten sawbucks : CNOTE

5. Bench press target : PEC

6. Words from a vacillator : ICANTDECIDE

7. Snitch : RAT

8. Golf bunker contents : SAND

9. "__ fair in love ... " : ALLS

10. Golfer's goof : SLICE

11. Cogito __ sum : ERGO

12. Bedtime wish : SLEEPTIGHT

13. Hurry : RUSH

14. Detroit NFLer : LION

15. Religion : FAITH

16. Swing and Disco : ERAS

17. Casino gratuity : TOKE

18. Feel out of sorts : AIL

19. Crusade : HOLYWAR

20. Neither's partner : NOR

21. Marvel superhero : XMAN

22. Peace signs : VEES

23. Up and at 'em : ASTIR

24. __ fail: unexpected disaster : EPIC

25. Pandora's box, e.g. : MYTH

26. Fastest-ever performance, as in a race : RECORDTIME

27. Workout count : REPS

28. __ acid : AMINO

29. Part of RBG or LBJ: Abbr. : INIT

30. Inter __: among others : ALIA

31. Doze (off) : NOD

32. Spiky, bleached hairstyle ... or what the puzzle circles represent : FROSTEDTIPS

33. Colorado tribe : UTE

34. Word with peace or turmoil : INNER

35. Ancient letters : RUNES

36. __ capita : PER

37. Individual preference : TASTE

38. Salon board abrasive : EMERY

39. undefined : undefined

Down Answers:

1. Subject of a seasonal buzz or nod : OSCAR

2. Utopia in "Lost Horizon" : SHANGRILA

3. Emit : SENDOUT

4. Dog-dog connection? : EAT

5. Immune system agent : TCELL

6. "I give up!" : UNCLE

7. Regulations affecting loud parties : NOISELAWS

8. "__ be an honor!" : ITD

9. Deals with : SEESTO

10. Hint of mint : SPRIG

11. Extract, as lye from ashes : LEACH

12. The planets, since Pluto's demotion : OCTET

13. Sprint : DASH

14. Dryer trap fuzz : LINT

15. Leaning Tower city : PISA

16. Exam proctor's reminder : SHH

17. Copier function : FAX

18. Intention : AIM

19. Primaries, say : ELECTIONS

20. Manhattan liquor : RYE

21. At risk : ONTHELINE

22. Pond carp : KOI

23. Slip up : ERR

24. "Metamorphoses" poet : OVID

25. Bit of sunshine : RAY

26. Gas in signs : NEON

27. Layer : STRATUM

28. Monetary gain : PROFIT

29. Parcel (out) : METE

30. Accumulated, as debts : RANUP

31. Act with great passion : EMOTE

32. Fall beverage : CIDER

33. Map within a map : INSET

34. British bishop's headdress : MITRE

35. "Pied" folklore guy : PIPER

36. Given to insolence : SASSY

37. "Messenger" letters : RNA

38. Beats by __: audio equipment brand : DRE

39. undefined : undefined

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