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Nov 20, 2020

[Answer] Where did King David leave the Ark of the Covenant after God struck Uzzah dead?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where did King David leave the Ark of the Covenant after God struck Uzzah dead?"

...Uzzah lost his life trying to help the Ark of the Covenant, which represented God's holy presence, from falling. When he reached out and touched it, he crossed the line of performing a sacred duty and died. David was both angry and scared to continue to his journey with the Ark. So, instead of carrying it into Jerusalem, he left it at the house of Obed-edom for 90 days. Obed-edom's household became blessed merely from the presence of the Ark and his apparent proper and reverential treatment of it. Upon hearing this, David, roused by his desire to have God's presence with him, finally went to retrieve it. And this time, King David handled God's holy presence properly with sacrifices, shouts, praises, and worship, and he, the priests, and the people took the Ark of the Covenant up to Jerusalem.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where did King David leave the Ark of the Covenant after God struck Uzzah dead?"

Obed-edom's house:

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