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Nov 19, 2020

[Answer] Where can you see this medieval tower topped with oak trees?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where can you see this medieval tower topped with oak trees?"

...1. Lucca, Italy 2. Ronda, Spain 3. Avignon, France 4. Verona, Italy

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where can you see this medieval tower topped with oak trees?"

Lucca, Italy - Climb this unique tower’s 230 steps to take in a stunning view of the ancient Roman city of Lucca and the surrounding Tuscan countryside — all while standing under shady oak trees. The Guinigi Tower was built in the 14th century by the Guinigis, the wealthy merchant family who ruled over Lucca. It was one of as many as 250 tower houses found in the city during that time, built for defensive purposes during the unrest of the post-plague years in Italy. Today, only nine such structures remain, and the 125-foot-tall Guinigi Tower is notable for its large Holm oak trees on top. The rooftop garden dates back to at least the 15th century and was restored and reopened in the 1980s. :

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