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Nov 16, 2020

[Answer] What Roman calendar did the British Empire use before 1752?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What Roman calendar did the British Empire use before 1752?"

...1. Pentecontad 2. Gregorian 3. Ptolemaic 4. Julian

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What Roman calendar did the British Empire use before 1752?"

Julian - For centuries, the British Empire used the Julian calendar, which was first implemented by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C. There was just one problem: Thanks to a miscalculation of the solar year when the calendar was first created, its dates drifted out of sync with the seasons as the centuries progressed. This was especially a concern when it came to Easter, which moved further and further from the Spring equinox. To solve the problem, Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar in 1582. Britain didn’t adopt the calendar until 1752, and then had to do some fancy footwork to catch up so their dates would match those of other countries in Europe who had made the switch earlier. They made the extraordinary decision to skip 11 days in history, so that September 2, 1752, was immediately followed by September 14, 1752.:

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