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Nov 10, 2020

[Answer] What did Bram Stoker almost call the title character in “Dracula”?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What did Bram Stoker almost call the title character in “Dracula”? "

...1. Count Wampyr 2. Vlad Dracul 3. Count Lugosi 4. Drac the Impaler

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What did Bram Stoker almost call the title character in “Dracula”? "

Count Wampyr - When the Irish author Bram Stoker began working on his hugely influential Gothic novel in 1890, he initially named the main character Count Wampyr. It was only after conducting in-depth background research on Eastern European history and folklore that he stumbled upon the name Vlad Drăculea, a moniker given to the 15th-century Wallachian prince Vlad III. Stoker liked the name enough to choose it for his bloodsucking protagonist. It wasn’t the only big change the novel underwent during its creation: Dracula’s castle was originally set in Austria, not Transylvania, and the title was originally “The Un-Dead.”:

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