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Nov 11, 2020

[Answer] What breed is the world’s longest domestic cat?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What breed is the world’s longest domestic cat? "

...1. Cornish Rex 2. Maine Coon 3. Turkish Angora 4. American Bobtail

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What breed is the world’s longest domestic cat? "

Maine Coon - Maine Coons are notoriously big as far as house cats go — in fact, they’re some of the longest domestic cats ever measured. The title for the longest domestic cat currently living belongs to Barivel, a Maine Coon in Vigevano, Italy. Barivel — whose name means “clown” or “jolly” in the local dialect — was measured at 3 feet, 11.2 inches in May 2018. Meanwhile, the longest domestic cat that has ever been measured was also a Maine Coon: Mymains Stewart Gilligan, aka Stewie, lived in Reno, Nevada, and was over 4 feet long. Stewie was a certified therapy animal who often visited a Reno senior citizen’s center. For his part, Barivel enjoys tuna and chicken and long walks in his baby buggy, much to the astonishment of both locals and tourists around Vigevano.:

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