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Nov 18, 2020

[Answer] Jesus instructed his followers to be as gentle as a dove and as wise as what animal?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Jesus instructed his followers to be as gentle as a dove and as wise as what animal?"

...Jesus knew the massive resistance and persecution his disciples would face. As he prepared them to go out and share all he had taught, he offered this survival advice: "You will be like sheep among wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves" (Matthew 10:16). Serpents and doves have vastly different characteristics and symbolic reputations. By nature, the snake is an animal who lives by offense, whereas a dove lives by defense. So, how can we be both? The only way appears to be in striking a balance between the two. If we exhibit too much of the snake's qualities (craftiness and strategy), we can become too harsh and void of compassion. Too much of the dove's qualities (innocence and gentleness), and we may lack a wise and needed sense of caution and be trampled underfoot. Both are required for sheep standing among wolves to survive.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Jesus instructed his followers to be as gentle as a dove and as wise as what animal?"


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