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Nov 11, 2020

[Answer] In what state will you find this ghost town?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In what state will you find this ghost town?"

...1. California 2. Colorado 3. New Mexico 4. South Dakota

Step 2 : Answer to the question "In what state will you find this ghost town?"

California - The boom-and-bust cycle of the mining industry contributed to the rise and fall of towns across the American West. It’s hard to believe the dusty, deserted town of Bodie in central California, near the Nevada border, once had 65 saloons for its 10,000 residents and was even a candidate to become the state’s capital. The gold rush came to Bodie in 1875, and the town’s population exploded — as many as 40 to 50 new settlers arrived by stagecoach each day. But eventually the gold and silver mines started to empty, and after a fire in 1892, many decided they didn’t want to live in this frigid town — so cold that the soil was incapable of supporting trees. Remaining inhabitants trickled out over time. In 1962, the remaining 100 structures became Bodie State Historic Park, which preserved the town for visitors.:

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