Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In our search for over-the-top vacation homes around the world, we found ___________, one of the country's largest private residences, perched atop a rocky cape with panoramic views of the seaside."
...1. Castle Joya in Italy 2. The Masterpiece in Hong Kong 3. Fustic House in Barbados 4. Trident Castle in Jamaica
Step 2 : Answer to the question "In our search for over-the-top vacation homes around the world, we found ___________, one of the country's largest private residences, perched atop a rocky cape with panoramic views of the seaside."
Trident Castle in Jamaica. ,:
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "In our search for over-the-top vacation homes around the world, we found ___________, one of the country's largest private residences, perched atop a rocky cape with panoramic views of the seaside."
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