Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In our guide to spooky destinations across the South without the scare-seeking crowds, we learned of a historic courthouse ghost named Tommy who has been seen in a hooded robe in windows and on the balcony in which town?"
...1. Dahlonega, Georgia 2. Columbia, South Carolina 3. Shepherdstown, West Virginia 4. Nashville, Tennessee
Step 2 : Answer to the question "In our guide to spooky destinations across the South without the scare-seeking crowds, we learned of a historic courthouse ghost named Tommy who has been seen in a hooded robe in windows and on the balcony in which town?"
Dahlonega, Georgia.,:
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "In our guide to spooky destinations across the South without the scare-seeking crowds, we learned of a historic courthouse ghost named Tommy who has been seen in a hooded robe in windows and on the balcony in which town?"
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The answer "Dahlonega, Georgia" is correct. TY!