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Aug 25, 2020

[Answer] What country has the world’s deepest cave?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What country has the world’s deepest cave?"

...1. Georgia 2. Iceland 3. Mexico 4. Mongolia

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What country has the world’s deepest cave?"

Georgia - The deepest known cave plunges over 7,250 feet between two mountains in Abkhazia, a de facto republic considered part of the country of Georgia. Veryovkina Cave was first documented in 1968, but it took another 50 years and 30 expeditions to reach its record-setting depth. In 2018, a Moscow-based speleological group finally plumbed enough of the cave to uncover it as the world’s deepest — over 1.3 miles deep. Many cave experts think there’s probably still more to discover, but the cave’s remote location and underground dangers make it difficult to survey completely. Abkhazia is home to the top four deepest known caves on the planet, including Krubera Cave, which held the world’s-deepest title until Veryovkina Cave dethroned it.:

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