Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. I've decided to make up batches of a dried tomato, lentil and pasta homemade soup. What type of container could I package these in and show off the beautiful ingredients?"
...1. tin foil 2. mason jar 3. tea cup 4. soda can If you are packing food, you should use sterilized food-grade jars. Even if you're not packing food, all types of resealable jars can be excellent containers. A homemade label could become a treasured keepsake.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. I've decided to make up batches of a dried tomato, lentil and pasta homemade soup. What type of container could I package these in and show off the beautiful ingredients?"
mason jar:
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "4. I've decided to make up batches of a dried tomato, lentil and pasta homemade soup. What type of container could I package these in and show off the beautiful ingredients?"
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