Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Scientifically speaking, how long in years is an eon?"
...The word 'eon' is frequently used by astronomers and geologists to mean one billion years. When used in common, non-scientific conversations, it is most often used to refer to any long, indefinite period of time. Commonly used, it doesn't refer to any specific set of numbers, much like the terms 'age', 'epoch', and 'era.' When speaking in scientific terms, an 'eon' means one billion years. The history of the Earth falls into four geologic eons, according to geologists. The latest eon, called the Phanerozoic Eon, began around 54 million years ago and continues today. Source:
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Scientifically speaking, how long in years is an eon?"
One billion years:
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The Phanerozoic Eon started 541 millions years ago, not 54 millions.