Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which language is not one of the five most-spoken in the U.S.?"
...1. Spanish 2. Tagalog 3. Arabic 4. Chinese
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which language is not one of the five most-spoken in the U.S.?"
Arabic - One of the great things about the United States is that it's home to a rich variety of cultures and languages. English, not surprisingly, is the most commonly spoken language, with an estimated 231 million speakers, according to World Atlas. However, it is not the country's official language. In fact, the United States has no official language. The prominence of English, particularly with regards to important documents like the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, dates back to the nation's start as a group of 13 British colonies. Today, English is still dominant in the U.S., but it's far from the only widespread language. Spanish is the second most common, with 37 million speakers, largely thanks to immigration from Mexico, Central America, and South America. And Chinese, which takes many different forms and dialects, has 3 million U.S. speakers, which puts it in third place. Then you have around 2 million speakers of French and French Creole, and 1.6 million speakers of Tagalog. Arabic is actually ninth on the list, according to World Atlas. It has slightly more than 900,000 speakers in the United States, which is enough to place it in the top 10, behind German and ahead of Russian, but not in the top five.:
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