Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is the world's oldest annual marathon?"
...1. Paris 2. Boston 3. Amsterdam 4. New York City
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is the world's oldest annual marathon?"
Boston - The legendary Boston Marathon has been around for more than a century, making it the oldest marathon still in existence today. Beginning in 1897 and initially called the American Marathon, the course ran a distance of 24.5 miles. In 1924, that distance extended to 26 miles and 385 yards, in line with a new Olympic standard. Over the years, the Boston Marathon achieved its now iconic status, becoming one of the six World Marathon Majors. The marathon takes place on the third Monday in April (“Marathon Monday”), which coincides with Patriot’s Day in Massachusetts. The race now averages about 30,000 registered participants, and up to a million spectators turn out to cheer them on each year.:
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