Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What was the first fast food restaurant in China?"
...On November 12, 1987, KFC made its debut in Beijing, China. At 1,100 square feet, that KFC outlet was the biggest in the world at the time. Hundreds of people lined up outside of the restaurant, hungry for a taste of American-style fried chicken.The restaurant was a hit from day one, with KFC selling over 2,200 buckets of chicken and raking up $83,000 in just 24 hours. More than three decades later, KFC is the largest restaurant branch in China. With more than 5,000 restaurants in 1,100 cities in China, KFC dominates the country's fast food landscape.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What was the first fast food restaurant in China?"
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Yili was China's very first fast food restaurant. Its opening in 1984 became the talk of the day. I t was April 20 1984, when China's first western-style fast food restaurant opened its doors in Beijing's Xidan central area. Beijing vice mayor Zhang Baifa personally came to cut the ribbon of 'Yili's Fast Food Shop' (义利快餐厅)