Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Under pressure from its citizens, the government of Pakistan agreed to allow what type of establishment to remain open during the pandemic? "
...1. Cafes
2. Mosques
3. Schools
4. Stadiums
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Under pressure from its citizens, the government of Pakistan agreed to allow what type of establishment to remain open during the pandemic? "
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Pakistan’s government gave in to the demands of hard-line clerics who had pushed for mosques to stay open during the holy month of Ramadan, which began this week. After Prime Minister Imran Khan met with the clerics on Monday and promised to abide by the deal, critics were demanding to know whether the government or the mosques were in charge. The mosques must follow a set of rules that include forcing congregants to maintain a six-foot distance and bring their own prayer mats.
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