Step 1 : Introduction to the question "9. I am not only a country, but a continent. I am the home of a famous crocodile hunter. The western part of my country has a sea breeze known as 'the Doctor'. "
...1. United States of America 2. Australia 3. Asia 4. Africa I am not only a country, but a continent. I am the home of a famous crocodile hunter. I became a commonwealth in 1901 and I'm 7,686,850 square kilometers. My highest point is Mount Kosciusko. My south-western sea breeze is known as 'The Fremantle Doctor'. I am the world's smallest continent and the sixth largest country. My capital is Canberra.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "9. I am not only a country, but a continent. I am the home of a famous crocodile hunter. The western part of my country has a sea breeze known as 'the Doctor'. "
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "9. I am not only a country, but a continent. I am the home of a famous crocodile hunter. The western part of my country has a sea breeze known as 'the Doctor'. "
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