Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. This first lady in the White House was a distant cousin of her husband. She was a popular public speaker. She was particularly interested in child welfare, housing reform, and equal rights for women and minorites. Who was this outgoing first lady?"
...1. Eleanor Roosevelt 2. Frances Perkins 3. Laura Bush 4. Mary Truman Eleanor was a niece of Theodore Roosevelt. As a first lady, she often urged her husband, Franklin D. Roosevelt, to take stands on controversial issues.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "8. This first lady in the White House was a distant cousin of her husband. She was a popular public speaker. She was particularly interested in child welfare, housing reform, and equal rights for women and minorites. Who was this outgoing first lady?"
Eleanor Roosevelt:
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "8. This first lady in the White House was a distant cousin of her husband. She was a popular public speaker. She was particularly interested in child welfare, housing reform, and equal rights for women and minorites. Who was this outgoing first lady?"
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