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Mar 13, 2020

[Answer] What two independent island nations are located in the Mediterranean?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What two independent island nations are located in the Mediterranean?"

...1. Sardinia & Sicily 2. Sicily & Malta 3. Malta & Cyprus 4. Cyprus & Crete

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What two independent island nations are located in the Mediterranean?"

Malta & Cyprus - Only two island nations call the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean home. The small country of Malta is just south of Italy, smack dab in the middle of the sea. Covering 122 square miles across 21+ islands — only three of which are inhabited (Malta, Gozo, and Comino) — the country’s strategic location is one reason it has historically served as a strong military base. On the other side of the sea, Cyprus is the second island nation, with a significantly larger area of 3,572 square miles. As the third-largest Mediterranean island, after Sicily and Sardinia, the island is split in half between the Republic of Cyprus or the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.:

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