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Mar 29, 2020

[Answer] The song \"America the Beautiful\" was inspired by a trip to what famous \"purple mountain majesty\"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The song \"America the Beautiful\" was inspired by a trip to what famous \"purple mountain majesty\"?"

...1. Mt. Rainier 2. Pikes Peak 3. Denali 4. Grand Teton

Step 2 : Answer to the question "The song \"America the Beautiful\" was inspired by a trip to what famous \"purple mountain majesty\"?"

Pikes Peak - In 1893, Katharine Lee Bates, an English professor at Wellesley, was visiting Colorado Springs to teach a summer course at a local college. On July 22, she and some coworkers took a carriage trip to the top of Pikes Peak. Her brief, 30-minute stay at the summit inspired her to put pen to paper, and when she got back to Colorado Springs, the poem \"America the Beautiful was born. \"We stood at last on that Gate-of-heaven summit... and gazed in wordless rapture over the far expanse of mountain ranges and sealike sweep of plain,\" Katharine later wrong. \"Then and there the opening lines of 'America the Beautiful' sprang into being.\"People eventually began singing the poem to the tune of a folk song written in 1882 by Samuel Ward, but before they settled on that, any tune that fit the rhythm of the words was used — including Auld Lang Syne.:

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