Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which president’s daughter had a shade of blue named after her?"
...1. Theodore Roosevelt’s daughter Alice 2. Ronald Reagan’s daughter Maureen 3. Thomas Jefferson’s daughter Martha 4. Harry Truman’s daughter Margaret
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which president’s daughter had a shade of blue named after her?"
Theodore Roosevelt’s daughter Alice - Alice Roosevelt Longworth, the memorable daughter of Theodore Roosevelt, loved wearing gowns of a certain pale but rich blue. She sparked a trend for the color, which was named “Alice Blue” in her honor. Alice was a formidable character: she smoked in public, jumped fully dressed into a swimming pool, and had a pet snake named Emily Spinach, which she carried in her pocketbook and pulled out at inopportune times. Her father once declared, “I can either run the country or I can attend to Alice, but I cannot possibly do both.” She was sometimes called “Washington's Other Monument.” Her gowns even inspired their own song, \"Alice Blue Gown\" in 1919.:
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