Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of the following was an original name for the Frisbee?"
...1. The Pluto Platter 2. The UFO 3. The Pluto Projectile 4. The Friseye
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which of the following was an original name for the Frisbee?"
The Pluto Platter - The story goes that in the late 19th century, students at Yale and elsewhere in New England threw pie plates and cookie tin lids back and forth in games of catch. These baking accessories were often made by the Frisbie Baking Company of Bridgeport, Connecticut, and according to the National Toy Hall of Fame, students would yell “Frisbie!” to warn people as the flying metal whooshed past their heads. In 1948, Walter Morrison and Warren Franscioni created a plastic version of the tins to capitalize on the phenomenon, hoping to sell the toy at county fairs. The name they gave the toy capitalized on another craze: UFOs. Morrison first called the disc the Flying Saucer, and then the Pluto Platter. The name only changed to Frisbee in 1958, after the founders of Wham-O bought the rights.:
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