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Feb 1, 2020

[Answer] Which country features an artificial island designed like a string of pearls?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which country features an artificial island designed like a string of pearls?"

...1. Thailand 2. Singapore 3. United Arab Emirates 4. Qatar

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which country features an artificial island designed like a string of pearls?"

Qatar - Doha, Qatar, is home to a string of pearls you won’t find in a jeweler’s shop or in a museum. Pearl-Qatar is a man-made island stretching 0.6 square miles, which was designed to look like a pearl necklace, as the area was once a pearl-diving site. Made up of 10 precincts with 4,700 apartments across 31 towers, the island is one of few property spaces available for ownership by non-citizens of Qatar. As one of the largest real estate developments in the Middle East, the islands are home to around 12,000 residents as of 2015 and are surrounded by deep canals that enter the Persian Gulf.:

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