Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where are sky burials still performed?"
...1. Japan 2. Tibet 3. Vietnam 4. Malaysia
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where are sky burials still performed?"
Tibet - Tibetan Buddhists believe the human body is nothing more than a discarded shell once a person dies. It is considered a great honor to have their bodies go back to nature and nourish some of nature's creatures. The master of the ceremony performs rituals over the body, and then the body is taken to a high place, hence the name \"sky\" burial. The master cuts the body into pieces and then summons birds, usually vultures. If the birds feed on the remains, it means the person has no sin — and their soul has gone peacefully to paradise. This ritual also nourishes the birds' bodies and eliminates the need to bury the body and disturb the earth. \n\n:
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