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Feb 9, 2020

[Answer] Where are the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where are the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee?"

...1. Norway 2. Sweden 3. Greece 4. Switzerland

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where are the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee?"

Switzerland - Although it would certainly be fitting, the International Olympic Committee does not meet on Mount Olympus. While the Olympics originated in Greece, the IOC's headquarters currently can be found in Switzerland. The IOC has organized both the Summer and Winter Olympics since 1894, when it was founded by Pierre de Coubertin and Demetrius Vikelas. Formed in Paris but now based in Lausanne, a gorgeous city on Lake Geneva, the IOC governs the world's National Olympic Committees, of which there are more than 200 across the globe. Its mission is to promote the Olympic movement and the philosophy of Olympism all over the world.:

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