Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the only country capital that contains a national park?"
...1. Pretoria, South Africa 2. Nairobi, Kenya 3. Abuja, Nigeria 4. Mogadishu, Somalia
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is the only country capital that contains a national park?"
Nairobi, Kenya - Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, is the only city on Earth that contains its own national park. Nairobi National Park, established in 1946, is the oldest national park in the country, but it only takes up about 45 square miles. Even though it's quite small compared to other national parks around the world, it's teeming with magnificent wildlife that can rarely be seen elsewhere, such as zebras, black rhinoceros, lions, giraffes, and other creatures native to the area. It has a fence separating the park from the city, but the park itself is wide open grassland.:
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