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Nov 18, 2019

[Answer] Which U.S. state is home to the largest living organism on Earth?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which U.S. state is home to the largest living organism on Earth?"

...1. California 2. Texas 3. Oregon 4. Washington

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which U.S. state is home to the largest living organism on Earth?"

Oregon - If you were thinking the blue whale is the world’s largest living organism, think again. The 2.4-mile wide honey fungus in Oregon’s Blue Mountains is the largest living organism on the planet. The fungi responsible for killing trees is made up of multiple mycelia which fuse together in what's called a clonal colony, as their genetic makeup is identical, originating from a single organism. Scientists estimate that the organism in the Blue Mountains, which covers a total of 4 square miles, is between 1,900 and 8,650 years old. That’s one ancient mushroom.:

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