Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is the busiest pedestrian crossing in the world?"
...1. Beijing 2. Shanghai 3. Hong Kong 4. Tokyo
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is the busiest pedestrian crossing in the world?"
Tokyo - If your greatest fear is crowds and your biggest pet peeve is slow walkers, imagine crossing Tokyo’s Shibuya Crossing, the busiest pedestrian crossing in the world! Just how busy are we talking? Around 2,500 people can cross at once and in all directions. During morning and evening rush hours, the number of pedestrians on the crossing could fill a whole stadium. You’d think, with that many people, there would be a lot of pushing and shoving; but the crossing is said to be super smooth and fluid. Don't feel like scrambling in the mix? Then watch it from floor-length windows up above at the QFRONT building.:
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