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Nov 9, 2019

[Answer] How is Satan depicted in the book of Revelation?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "How is Satan depicted in the book of Revelation?"

...1. a red dragon 2. a black horse 3. a plague 4. a prostitute

Step 2 : Answer to the question "How is Satan depicted in the book of Revelation?"

a red dragon - Revelation is apocalyptic literature containing visions and symbolic images. In chapter 12, we meet a great red dragon. He has seven heads and ten horns and wears seven diadems on his heads. The dragon swings his tail and knocks stars down out of the sky. This image of a dragon represents Satan. He is an evil, terrible monster and uses his hideous strength and power against the plans of God. This chapter depicts a battle between the dragon and the angel Michael. The fighting is fierce but the dragon is defeated. This is an allegory of Satan’s defeat at the crucifixion and resurrection. When the dragon falls from heaven to earth, unsuccessful in destroying Christ, he pursues the people of Christ instead. He uses his mouth in his attempt to destroy them, representing the tactic of deceit that Satan has used since the Garden of Eden. In chapter 20, the dragon is bound with a great chain and sealed in a bottomless pit. Later he will be thrown into a lake of fire and sulphur where he will be tormented day and night forever and ever.:

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