Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What country sent the only cat astronaut into space?"
...A black and white former stray became the first cat launched into space in 1963. Named Félicette, she was one of 14 stray cats gathered by the French space program and put through the rigors of training. Ultimately, Félicette was the one chosen to grab a spot in history as the first cat in space. Whether it was her docile personality or the fact she didn't add a lot of weight during her training that clinched the job for her is uncertain. Her mission launched from Algeria and reached nearly 100 miles above Earth. She parachuted safely down. Unfortunately, about three months after her historic trip, the very scientists who sent her into space killed her. They wanted to know if her body suffered ill-effects from space travel. Source:
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What country sent the only cat astronaut into space?"
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