Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. What term is given to someone who uses a social networking site to harass, circulate false information, post lewd or inappropriate comments, or post unflattering pictures another person?"
...1. Blogger 2. Visitor 3. Lurker 4. Cyberbully Cyberbullying is one of the darker sides of social networking sites, instant text messaging, chat rooms and e-mailing. Cyberbullying can cause low self esteem and suicidal tendencies in adolescents, due to the numbers of people who have access to the technology. It is, however, not limited to the youth. Adults and even companies have reported incidents of cyberbullying. In cases where an adult is the individual being bullied, it is referred to as cyberstalking or cyber-harassment.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. What term is given to someone who uses a social networking site to harass, circulate false information, post lewd or inappropriate comments, or post unflattering pictures another person?"
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It means to rank higher on SERP's for a given set of keywords, having a strong presence on social media is essential. meet new people and chat online Users of social networking sites can invite other "friends" to join their network to be able to view and share personal information on one another.