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Dec 11, 2018

[Answer] 1. I watched a movie featuring one of my favorite actors last night, and that made me think of a movie in which he brilliantly played the character of Raymond Babbit. Do you know who I mean?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. I watched a movie featuring one of my favorite actors last night, and that made me think of a movie in which he brilliantly played the character of Raymond Babbit. Do you know who I mean?"

...1. Val Kilmer 2. Dustin Hoffman 3. Glenn Morshower 4. Robert De Niro Dustin Hoffman played Raymond Babbit in 1988's "Rain Man", the story of a self-absorbed car dealer, Charlie Babbit (Tom Cruise), who found out he had an autistic savant brother in Ohio. He decided to bring him back to California by car and both found that they loved each other. Hoffman received the Academy Award for Best Actor and the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor for his performance.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. I watched a movie featuring one of my favorite actors last night, and that made me think of a movie in which he brilliantly played the character of Raymond Babbit. Do you know who I mean?"

Dustin Hoffman:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "1. I watched a movie featuring one of my favorite actors last night, and that made me think of a movie in which he brilliantly played the character of Raymond Babbit. Do you know who I mean?"

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