Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What fictional town does The Simpsons take place in?"
Springfield is a fictional town in the animated sitcom The Simpsons which serves as its main setting. A mid-sized town in an undetermined state of the United States, Springfield acts as a complete universe in which characters can explore the issues faced by modern society. The geography of the town and its surroundings are flexible, changing to address whatever an episode's plot calls for. Springfield's location is impossible to determine, and the show is deliberately evasive on the subject, providing contradictory clues and information about its location.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What fictional town does The Simpsons take place in?"
Springfield is a fictional town in the animated sitcom The Simpsons which serves as its main setting. A mid-sized town in an undetermined state of the United States, Springfield acts as a complete universe in which characters can explore the issues faced by modern society. The geography of the town and its surroundings are flexible, changing to address whatever an episode's plot calls for. Springfield's location is impossible to determine, and the show is deliberately evasive on the subject, providing contradictory clues and information about its location.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "What fictional town does The Simpsons take place in?"
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The first and second step are the same ... lol