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May 6, 2018

[Ans] When does the North American Butterfly Association count butterflies in the U.S. each year?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "When does the North American Butterfly Association count butterflies in the U.S. each year?"

...When a large number of butterflies (too large to actually count each individual) are encountered during a count, what is the best method to estimate the number of butterflies? What months of the year are included in Spring Seasonal and Fall Seasonal counts? Seasonal counts may be held for locations in the United States ... North American Butterfly Association-Butterfly Counts

(All counts must enter data online using the online count form). Offline Count Forms (These forms are useful for taking on the count and for organizing count data prior to starting the online count form). Count Maps · FAQ. Mail count payments to: NABA Attn: Butterfly Counts 4 Delaware Road Morristown, NJ 07960.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "When does the North American Butterfly Association count butterflies in the U.S. each year?"


The Butterfly Count Program of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA) takes place each year. The program began in 1993. Butterflies in the U.S. are counted on July 4 each year. The counts are open to anyone who wants to participate. Each year approximately 450 counts compile the number of butterflies observed at sites within a 15-mile "count circle." The results are then published to provide information about population sizes of the various species of butterfly and the geographical distribution of the populations. Source: NABA.org

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "When does the North American Butterfly Association count butterflies in the U.S. each year?"

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