Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The green crocodile logo belongs to what clothing and apparel company?"
..Clothing is a collective term for garments, items worn on the body. Clothing can be made of textiles, animal skin, or other thin sheets of materials put together.
Clothing & Apparel statistics Despite the current global economic downturn, the global apparel industry continues to grow at a healthy rate and this, coupled with the absence of ...
Step 2 : Answer to the question "The green crocodile logo belongs to what clothing and apparel company?"
Lacoste is a French clothing company, founded in 1933 by tennis player René Lacoste and André Gillier. The brand is known for its iconic green crocodile logo. Frenchman René Lacoste was a superstar tennis player. In 1926 and 1927, he was ranked number one in the world. He was nicknamed "the Crocodile" because of his tenacity on the tennis court. Lacoste embraced the nickname, and had a logo of the reptile embroidered onto his blazer. It became his personal brand before there was such a thing. When he retired from tennis, he started his company to produce and sell crocodile-emblazoned shirts.
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