Step 1 : Introduction to the question "According to Guinness World Records, which author has the most published works?"
While some best-selling authors have written a small number of books that have sold millions of copies, others have had lengthy careers and maintained a high level of output year after year. Dame Agatha Christie, the most-published novelist , Further investigation turns up a report that “In 2006, Guinness World Records declared L. Ron Hubbard the world's most published and most translated author, having published 1,084 fiction and non-fiction works
Step 2 : Answer to the question "According to Guinness World Records, which author has the most published works?"
L. Ron Hubbard:
L. Ron Hubbard was an author and the founder of the Church of Scientology. According to the church, his written teachings make up approximately 500,000 pages totaling about 65 million words. Hubbard produced more than 250 published works of fiction in his writing career. He used a special electric IBM typewriter with extra keys for common words like ‘and’, ‘the’, and ‘but.’ His fiction and non-fiction books have sold millions of copies, and Hubbard holds the Guinness World Record for “Most Published Works by One Author”
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I write a book- LOST/ MẤT, a memoir of my life in the Vietnamese language and would look forward to an early release.