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Jun 22, 2017

[Ans] Which James Bond film showed 007 driving his iconic Aston Martin?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which James Bond film showed 007 driving his iconic Aston Martin?"

Q Branch has given Bond a variety of vehicles with which to battle his enemies. Among the most noteworthy gadgets, Bond has been equipped with various vehicles that have numerous modifications to include elaborate weapons and anti-pursuit systems, alternative transportation modes, and various other functions

Step 2 : Answer to the "Which James Bond film showed 007 driving his iconic Aston Martin?"

The 1964 classic Bond film 'Goldfinger' was the first time James Bond thrilled us by driving his favorite, iconic car. Its appearance in the Bond films transformed the Aston Martin brand into a globally recognized sports car. The Bond car was actually a DB5

Step 3 : Other interesting facts related to the question "Which James Bond film showed 007 driving his iconic Aston Martin?"

007 takes Stratocruiser on his journeys to America. In Goldfinger the final battle is set on-board this plane. Goldfinger uses beechcraft model 18 plane for air surveillance of Fort Knox A circular, self-inflating life raft, equipped with the Fulton Surface-To-Air Recovery System (STARS) and dropped to Bond and Domino at sea from a modified B-17 rescue plane. Next Step : We care our friends, so we share answers. If you care Share/comment this post.

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