Step 1 : Introduction to the question "the input of solar energy at the equator that causes moisture laden air to rise and results in increased precipitation in this region is what type of climate pattern"
A climate pattern is any recurring characteristic of the climate. Climate patterns can last tens of thousands of years, like the glacial and interglacial periods within ice ages, or repeat each year, like monsoons
Step 2 : Answer to the question "the input of solar energy at the equator that causes moisture laden air to rise and results in increased precipitation in this region is what type of climate pattern"
The climatic changes coinciding with Pleistocene glaciation were subtle in the tropics, and great sheets of ice never bisected the Amazon rain forest, yet they seem to have had a major impact on tropical rain forest plants and animals. Minor shifts in tem-perature and rainfall can have a major effect on plants and ani-mals unaccustomed to variable environments: a slight reduction in average annual rainfall or a slight change in the seasonality of this rainfall can have profound effects on rain forest vegetation. The forest itself buffers some variation in average rainfall. The canopy keeps the air near the ground relatively cool, and the temperature difference between cool air near the ground and warm, moisture-laden air higher up promotes rainfall. The trees also protect the understory vegetation, and most of the animals who live near the ground, from water stress. Without tree cover, the ground heats up from the intense tropical sun, and warm, moisture-laden air flowing over wanner, drier air will not release rain. As the large trees that provide cover die, the forest might not be able to regenerate itself if the overall climate has become cooler and drier.
From the above page from google books : Tropical Nature: Life and Death in the Rain Forests of Central
Page no : 202
We can come to the conclusion that this is tropical climate pattern.
Convective precipitation: Natural rising of warm lighter air in colder & denser surroundings causes convective precipitation. The difference in temperature results from unequal heating at the surface, unequal cooling at the top of the air layer or mechanical lifting when air is forced to pass over denser colder air masses. Convective precipitation is spotty and its intensity may vary from light showers to cloud bursts.
Step 3 : Other interesting facts related to the question "the input of solar energy at the equator that causes moisture laden air to rise and results in increased precipitation in this region is what type of climate pattern"
Seasonal variations in tropical climate are dominated by changes in precipitation
This climate largely influenced by the tropical rain belt or Intertropical Convergence Zone.
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