Flipkart Warehouse Chennai, chn_puzhal_01, MotherHub_KNG Address and Route from CMBT.
chn_puzhal_01 is one of the warehouse in Flipkart vast supply chain - warehouse management system located in Chennai. We people from Try3steps will provide you complete set of details of chn_puzhal_01 including Address of chn_puzhal_01 in Chennai, All available hubs and their addresses in Chennai. How to track your order shipment and how actually the order delivery process of e-Commerce(Like Flipkart) work in detail.
Address of chn_puzhal_01 in Chennai:
Valluvar Nagar, Kathirvedu, Puzhal, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600066
How to reach chn_puzhal_01 from CMBT:
From Chennai Mofussil Bus Terminus, CMBT Passenger Way, Koyambedu, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600107
To Flipkart Warehouse Chennai, Kathirvedu, Puzhal, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
30 min (11.6 km)
via Jawaharlal Nehru Rd
23 min without traffic
Chennai Mofussil Bus Terminus
CMBT Passenger Way, Koyambedu, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600107
Take Mumbai Hwy to 100 Feet Rd/Jawaharlal Nehru Rd
5 min (1.2 km)
Head west on CMBT Passenger Way towards 100 Feet Rd/Jawaharlal Nehru Rd/Mumbai Hwy
190 m
Turn left onto 100 Feet Rd/Jawaharlal Nehru Rd/Mumbai Hwy
Pass by Nathella Suchanamma Kalyana Mandapam (on the right in 700 m)
1.0 km
Follow Jawaharlal Nehru Rd to Perambur Red Hills Rd/Perambur Red Hills High Rd in Thiruvalluvar Nagar
13 min (7.3 km)
Continue on Perambur Red Hills High Rd to your destination in Kathirvedu
10 min (3.1 km)
Flipkart Warehouse Chennai
Kathirvedu, Puzhal, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
These directions are for planning purposes only. You may find that construction projects, traffic, weather, or other events may cause conditions to differ from the map results, and you should plan your route accordingly. You must obey all signs or notices regarding your rout
All available hubs and their addresses in Chennai:
1. Flipkart Hub: 35 Karpagam Nagar, 2nd Street, Poniammanmedu, V S Mani Nagar, Madhavaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600110
2. Flipkart Hub: 4/819, 3rd Cross St, Thiruvengadam Nagar, Perungudi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600078
3. Flipkart Zonal Office: 10, Lazer St, Sathya Nagar, Gandhi Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600032
4. Flipkart Warehouse Chennai: Valluvar Nagar, Kathirvedu, Puzhal, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600066
5. Flipkart Retail Warehouse: Rajiv Nagar, Vanagaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600095
How actually the order delivery process of e-Commerce(Like Flipkart) Work :
Many of you may wonder how actually the entrie process work without any difficulty. Here the process refers from placing the order to order delivery. This supply chain mechanism - warehouse management model involves the following stages.
We are going to present you eCommerce company (like Flipkart) order fulfillment system here:
Stage 1: Placing the order.
The end users or the actual users will go through the Flipkart by any one of its platform like Flipkart web, Flipkart app or Flipkart lite. These orders will be placed throughany front end system. The actual process of allocation and fulfilment will begin in later point of this stage1.
Stage 2: Customers Order Management System (CMOS)
All the orders placed by the customer will be downloaded by Customer Orders Management System.Most of the cases this Customers Order Management System(CMOS) is back end middle ware system. In some cases this COMS may be part of the front end GUI system. This COMS will download the all orders placed by the customer, and process the data for further stages.
Stage 3: Allocation of Inventory:
In this stage the actual calculations will begin. Once the CMOS process the orders then, the corresponding inventory will get allocated in the current step. Duduction of the stock of the particular product in the inventory will happen at the same time occording to the required quantity mentioned in the order.
Stage 4: Selecting ordered Product:
Allocation of inventory team sends the list of the products to be picked at warehouse. Usually it is a bulk activity. All orders during a particular time period will be combined together and picked at warehouse. The person will pick the required products from the warehouse and send for the next stage.
Stage 5:Packaging of Products:
once the selection of article done products are ready to ship. All the documents that need to sent along with the shipment like invoice, address labels, other documents will be printed and attached to the respective package.
Stage 6: Shipment Transport:
As soon as the shipment is picked and packed the shipment will be moves the the zonal wise container. This allotment may be done at the any one of the previous stages mentioned above. Since the products at moving out of the warehouse their count has to be deducted from the total count. It will be reverse in the case of return and refund scenarios.
Stage 7: Delivery of shipment:
As soon as the shipment reached the nearest hub, it will be assigned to the courier person who will carry the shipment to the customers who ordered the products. In case of exchange or return Courier person will get the products.
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