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Apr 22, 2015

Strutting my stuff , Google Earth Day Celebrations, Earth day, Earth Week Importace and History

Google Earth Daystrut strʌt/


gerund or present participle: strutting
1. walk with a stiff, erect, and apparently arrogant or conceited gait.

"peacocks strut through th grounds"

synonyms:    swagger, swank, parade, prance, flounce, stride, sweep; More

2. brace (something) with a strut or struts.

"the holes were close-boarded and strutted"

strut one's stuff. Sl.

to walk proudly and show off one's best features or talents. Get out there on that stage and strut your stuff! I'm going to strut my stuff,  to walk with a vain, pompous bearing, as with head erect and chest thrown out, as if expecting to impress observers.

Google Earth Day:

U.S. celebrate Earth day on April 22. Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-Wisconsin) started with an environmental [Teach-in ] message in 1970. Earth day was celebrated in many countries every year. This date will came in the spring in the Northern Hemisphere, autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.

Earth Week :

Many cities extended Earth Day celebrations to a week. Usually it will starts on April 16 and ends on April 22. These programs encourage environmental awareness in the society. It will also extends its significance by telling about waste manage ment, increasing energy efficiency, and reducing disposable materials.

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