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Dec 27, 2014

How to See Recent Files in Windows Though We Cleared Them

Windows logoAre you very much interested in what your friend doing with out telling to you? After completion of their work, many people will clear the history in “Recent Files” in windows. But There are many places where there recent file history stores. With the following trick your are going to know their history though they cleared it.

Step 1: Open Internet Explorer

You are using Mozilla firefox, Google Chrome or some fancy Browser for browsing internet? Then you must turn to internet explorer for using this trick. I am assuming that you know how to open internet explorer in Windows 7 and Windows 8.

If you don’t know how to open internet explorer then follow these steps to open internet explorer.
  1. Click on your start Button
  2. Then you will see search box at the bottom of the pop up menu.
  3. Then enter “internet explorer” key work in it.
  4. Click on the first link.
internet explorer

Step 2:Open History of Internet Explorer

What you are expecting is absolutely correct. Every file you open in your desktop or some other directory history will store in internet explorer. So, to see what your friend recently dealt, Just open the history of internet explorer. To open this following procedure will help you.

Press : Ctrl + H

This will enable the short frame at the left or right side of your browser. Then you will options like :

3 Weeks Ago
2 Weeks Ago
Last week
Yester day
internet explorer History

Step 3: Go Through the History

So, you can go through each and every option present there. You can see the files history and internet browsing history separately.

  1. To see his Files history :

click on any one of the options above and again go for the My Computer Tab present over there.
  1. To see his Browsing History:

Remaining history except the My Computer History is Browsing History.

Hope this Information is useful for you. You many also like:

Step 4:Want To Suggest Us The ‘Fourth Step’ ?

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